Friday, May 7, 2010


Well-known Irish poet Steve Downes embraces the internet with his new collection of powerful raw urban poems Urbania which he has opted to publish online as an ebook rather than in print. Steve took the opportunity of his Guest Poet spot at the recent Great Drogheda Poetry Slam to launch it by giving a forceful reading of a selection to the assembled poetry enthusiasts. Ranging from a study of a designer-punk trendy to neon-tinted street scenes, from a dead druggie in an alley to cyberweb mindset, the poems cast a cynical but penetrating eye at our modern society and its recent technology-dominated changes and developments.

Steve has three previous collections to his credit, the last being Side-Angles with Roger Hudson. An award-winning playwright, he recently completed the novel WarWorld.

Urbania is available to read or for free download on The poems are complemented by graphic-designs by Jamie Stanton and photographs by Duirmuid Jones.

For further information or interview, contact Steve Downes@ or 0857127613

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